Mixing Instructions
Shake well (at least 1 minute) before transferring to the spray tank. Use 1 litre of NOxTO Nitrate per hectare with at least 130 litres of water.
Apply at T1 & T2 stages, specifically during Growth Stages 31-33, 38-40 and optionally 45-47. If T2 timing is less than 14 days from T1 then apply 0.5 litres/ha at T2 and a further 0.5 litres/ha at T3.
Apply 0.5 litres/ha at 80% ground cover and every 7-10 days thereafter up t a maximum of 4 applications or 2 litres total per ha/crop.
Amenity Grass
Apply after each mowing or every 2-4 weeks.
Vegetables: Apply when plants have 4-5 true leaves and subsequently every 4-6 weeks. Fruit Trees: Apply during full leaf growth and adjust for N requirement.
Ornamentals: Apply every 3-5 weeks.
Other Crops
Use 1 litre per ha mixed with a minimum of 200 litres of water, apply every 4 weeks.